Dream World


Dream World is the second comic in the Dream Chasers trilogy. It tells the story of Douglas Engelbart, the engineer who pioneered human-computer interaction, perhaps best known for inventing the computer mouse, his contribution to modern computing goes so much further.

Douglas Engelbart saw technology as a path to augment human intellect and built a system that did just that. His demonstration of his ideas in 1969, later known as The Mother of all Demos, introduced video conferencing, the graphical user iterface, the mouse, hyper text, and many other ideas we now take for granted.

In the audience that day was Alan Kay, who together with Adele Goldberg and Dan Ingalls, picked up the challenge. Together at Xerox PARC, they developed Smalltalk, the first fully realised object-oriented programming language. Designed to make programming accessible and intuitive, particularly for children, the highly interactive environment, brought to life Kay’s vision of personal dynamic media.

Together, these pioneers laid the foundation for the world we live in today, yet they also imagined paths not taken. Dream Chasers brings these groundbreaking figures together in a story about the pursuit of a better world. A story that can perhaps still come true.

The Dream Chases trilogy is written by Jim Boulton and illustrated by JAKe Detonator, and will be out some time in 2025.