
Dancing Baby


It’s almost thirty-years-old. It only supports 256 colours. It’s unsuitable for photographs. It has no sound…

Original Bboard Thread in which :-) was proposed by Scott Fahlman on 19 September, 1982

The Emoticon

The first use of the smiley face on a screen was in September 1982 at Carnegie…

Leon Harmon and Kenneth Knowlton’s reclining nude, 1966. An image of the dancer Deborah Hay was dissected into a grid and assigned an icon according to its halftone density.

Bitworld: The creative history of computers

Eye magazine is the quarterly review of graphic design for artists and designs professionals. In issue 88,…

By Tony Webster from Portland, Oregon, United States (Mac OS X Leopard Install Disc in a Mac Pro) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Burning CDs that will run on Mac Classic

As I exhibit Web 1.0 websites on the hardware and software of the time, I often need…

Paul Brown's Builder/Eater and Daniel Brown's Noodlebox

The Dark Side of the Digital Revolution

Co-curated by Irini Papadimitrou and Bronac Ferran, Brown & Son’s Art that Makes Itself exhibition at the Waterman’s Art…

The Imaginary App

DJ Spooky, That Subliminal Kid, defies pigeonholing. Not only is he a musician and author, he’s…

Original sketch for 100 Ideas that Changed the Web

100 Ideas that didn’t Change the Web

I’ve been asked a lot which ideas didn’t make the cut in my book, 100 Ideas…

How do you follow Tim Berners-Lee?

How do you follow Tim Berners-Lee?

It’s 25 years since Tim Berners-Lee proposed the Web and the universal, inclusive space he generously…

100 Ideas that Changed the Web

100 Ideas that Changed the Web

My book, 100 Ideas that Changed the Web, is out. You should all rush out and…

Digital Revolution

After 18 months work, Digital Revolution is finally here. An exhibition of digital art, design, film, music,…

/Root – a degenerative algorithm

The Space is a website for artists and audiences to create and explore new digital art.…

Document-centric navigation

The Nexus Browser

Tim Berners-Lee made the first website, and the first web browser, on a NeXT Cube running…